Killer Queen One:
It Begins...Standard Tournament Rules: Start:
- Tournament sign-in starts at 7pm sharp. Registration will begin at 3pm and last until 6pm or 32 players have registered (whichever comes first).
- At 6:15, Eight (8) pre-determined captains will select 4 players for their team at random from the pool of 32 players that signed up.
- All participant must be present for the selection of teams at 6:15.
- No alternates allowed. Team will continue absent any players in the tournament without a replacement, unless organizers grant exception based on extenuating circumstances.
- Tournament bracket to be created by tournament organizers. Organizers will perform a random draw to determine position.
- Tournament is standard double elimination: A team will not be eliminated from the tournament until they lose two matchups.
- Matchups: Preliminary matchups will be a best of 5 series, with the first team to win 3 games being declared the winner of that match. In the Finals they will be best of 7 series, the first team to win 4 games will be declared the winner of that match.
- All matchups will be played under Queensberry rules.
- Cabinet assignments will be determined by placement on the bracket.
- Matches will alternate between the Day Map and the Night Map.
- No more than 60 seconds allowed between rounds of a matchup that has started, unless tournament organizers allow for an exception. If 60 seconds elapse, tournament organizer(s) can demand both teams to start (even if a team does not have all players present). If one team refuses to start, they will forfeit that round. The 60 second limit will restart upon forfeit.
- No more than 1 minute allowed to lapse between matchups. If 1 minute elapses, tournament organizer(s) can demand both teams to start (even if a team does not have all players present). If one team refuses to start, they will forfeit that round. 60 second limit applied after first forfeit, and any subsequent forfeit thereafter.
- Tournament organizers will make known before start of tournament any in-game actions that are not allowed, including, but not limited to: glitches, exploits, hacks, or cheats. Examples:
Day Map – pass through middle barrier between blue and gold hives
Speed – attempting invincibility by using speed gate as drone with speed enhancement already applied.
- If a player or team performs an action that is not allowed, tournament organizers may perform any of the following actions at their discretion:
- Replay of round
- Forfeiture of round
- Forfeiture of matchup
- Disqualification of team
- Removal from tournament of individual player
- Tournament organizers request players to compete to the best of their abilities. “Tanking” may result in any of the above actions under #14 to be taken.
- In the event of a mechanical error or glitch in the game, play should continue until the tournament organizer calls off the round. A determination of whether the glitch effected the game will be made by the organizer. The organizer at this point will have three options.
– Declare the round valid and that the glitch did not have an impact.
– Call for a restart of the round.
– Penalize the team declaring the glitch with a loss of the round.
- All participants must follow the rules of Up-Down. Excessive intoxication, fighting, and other banned behaviors will result in removal from premises for participant.
- Tournament organizers may allow exceptions to any of the above rules at their discretion, including the allowance of a replacement player to participate in the tournament. Any such exception will be clearly announced to the tournament upon its application.
- Have fun and support our sponsors. Consider drinking their beer when you come to Up-Down as a way to say “thank you” for sponsoring our tournament.
- Any critique of these rules, including pointing out that 16 occurs twice, may result in forfeiting your ability to play in the tournament.
These rules were shamelessly borrowed from our friends at Logan Arcade and slightly modified. When in Chicago visit Logan to play Killer Queen.
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